Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

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Because tackling climate change requires dramatic reductions in GHG emissions at the societal and global levels, it's not surprising to see the suggestion that the most important thing individuals can do for climate change is to reduce their own carbon footprint. We’ve explored that question in another micro-site, arriving at two key conclusions:

  • That voluntary footprint reductions by individuals and businesses are unlikely to ever scale to the point of mitigating climate change. As such, individuals and companies concerned about climate change need to think beyond their carbon footprints.

  • That said, if you’re not paying any attention to your carbon footprint, it’s a lot less likely that you’ll be paying attention to the other ways you can help tackle climate change.

The bottom line is that at understanding your carbon footprint, and probably making some efforts to reduce your carbon footprint, is necessary but not sufficient when it comes to tackling climate change as an individual or a company.

This climate change micro-site focuses on options for reducing your carbon footprint. It is aimed primarily at individuals, but much of it is applicable to organizational carbon footprints as well.

This climate change micro-site is extracted from the Climate Web, an open-access climate knowledge solution, and the closest thing today to a collective climate intelligence. Incorporating the work of thousands of experts, the Climate Web facilitates access to the actionable climate individuals, companies, and policy-makers need for their climate change decision-making.

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The Climatographers